happy 33rd birthday,  

 to the man that i consider to be more of a brother than a friend: Today is not only your special day, but mine as well! It's the day that I get to celebrate your entire life essence coming into existence. After all, if this day hadn't occurred thirty-three years ago, I would have never gotten the opportunity to meet you and experience all the light that you bring to the world.

You, dearest Nathan, are an amazing and beautiful person. You are always supportive of the people that you hold closest to your heart and would do just about anything for them. You care beyond most people's limits and never seem to have to second guess about putting someone else's needs before your own. Which, I have to say that it is totally okay to just think about yourself for once, mister. You don't always have to be the perfect gentleman!

Today is your day, Nate. I hope you spend it doing the things that you love the most with some of the people that you love the most. Yes, even that means jumping out of an airplane. I hope you know just how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I may already have a big brother in this life, but you are a damn close second. I wouldn't be surprised that if, in some past life of ours, you were in fact my big brother, my protector, my savior.

Again, I love you. Happy Birthday!

Love, Gabby.

nathan andrew boars!