question one
What do you wish you had done more of? What do you wish you had done less of?
Definitely wish I would have spent more time with friends and family. I especially wish I would have visited my family more. I have not gone back home since I moved back to New York--I get a little homesick sometimes. As far as what I wish had done less of? Making excuses to not go out and be social. Working does tend to get in the way, but I could have made more time to go out and do things. I am becoming a hermit!
question five
What well-known person, dead or alive, influenced you the most this year?
My grandfather. He passed away last year and has always been one of my biggest supporters. When I feel myself getting into a writing rut, I find myself often remembering his words of encouragement to continue. My last novel was dedicated to his memory.
question nine
What shows could you not get enough of this year? What shows were you sad to see end?

Hands down, the best new show this year. As for shows that ended? Honestly, I am not really sure what has ended. I usually Netflix things, which does have me sad that Gilmore Girls is over all over again. That counts, right?
question thirteen
What books could you not put down this year?
SERPIENTE!! Okay, now that that shameless plug is out of the way, I just now finally finished reading the Divergent series. I am so late to the party, I know. I try not to read while I am writing so that ideas and concepts don't bleed into my own work.
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question two
What was the biggest risk you took? Biggest regret?
I try to live my life without too much regret so I don't really have a big one. I guess you could say that I regret not going home at all this year, but it's nothing major. Kind of goes along with the something I wish I had done more of, really. As for big risks? Ha! I don't think I take big risks. Signing up for online dating is about the extent of it.
question six
What was the biggest surprise of this year?
question ten
What's your 2016 anthem?
question three
Describe someone new you met this year and who you now consider a good friend.

She's beauty. She's grace. She's Miss United States! But seriously? Yvette is the best pretend girlfriend you can ask for.
question seven
What did you do for your birthday this year?
I was on a small book tour!
question eleven
What's one film in 2016 that changed you? Why?
This is fucking hard. I don't think I even watched enough new release movies to answer this. Nothing in particular really changed me. Has there really been a good enough movie out there that has had such an adverse effect on people? I'm sure there has, but I haven't exactly found it yet. I will say that THE JUNGLE BOOK was one of those movies that brought me back to my childhood. I don't know if that counts or not, but it was one of those weird feelings where I'm back in my childhood feelings, but I was still engrossed because it had been ages since I watched the original. It was a beautiful movie, in my opinion.
question fifteen
What are you looking forward to in 2017? What aren't you looking forward to in 2017?
I think answering what I'm not looking forward to is easier than the first. And the answer to that is a presidency under Donald Trump. Let's just hope it's not nearly as bad as we all fear. That's all I'm saying about that. On a brighter note, I am looking forward to new adventures and friendships. Mardi Gras in New Orleans and my birthday. PRISON BREAK!
question four
Did you fall in love this year?
question eight
What was your favorite memory, big or small? Who were you with? What did you do? Where were you?
SERPIENTE being released, most definitely. I was actually alone when it happened, officially. At home and asleep, technically. But, it's always a sense of accomplishment and pride when something you worked hard on becomes a reality.
question twelve
What was your favorite pop-culture-related moment of 2016?

It was a trending topic. Totally counts.